
Why 9 Russian I-16 fighter pilots could operate/enforce Taran-tactics in the very first moment of Barbarossa (June 22, 1941) ?
I’m inclined to think that Taran was nothing but a systematically well-studied tactics in the east european air-forces communities before 1941.
National Defense College (Boeikenkyujo Toshokan, Nakameguro, Tokyo) stores a bind of war historical papers processed by Imperial Army, titled Hiko-shyudan sakusen jyunbi narabini kaisen hekito ni okeru yoho no kenkyu (The tactics which should be adopted by our all Manchurian Air Groups at the outset of Anti-Soviet War in near future / free translation by Hydo) .
The text seems typed and printed, and has a date : Jan. 1939(Showa 14 nen 1 gatu).
The gist:
* We should have a new type of high-speed interceptor to body-attack the empennage of Soviet’s TB(might be TB-3) heavy bombers.
* Air-cooling single-engined, long nose and short back, one-manned, fixed landing gear, a bulkhead(it sais bulletproof steel) between the engine and fuel-tank in front of the seat.
* A side-view cut is added. Looks like an I-16 with fixed spats.(Of course The Imperial Army had no such planes nor plannings till the last day of 1945.)
* Bailout-window for the pilot is on the floor in front of his seat.
* Three of these interceptors would make a team, and aim one TB.
* Never miss a leader-plane of formations of TBs.
* Get their empennage and knockdown them by the maneuver of ATEMI(stun using your body).
My guess(with no evidence at all):
Unknown Polish officer might talk about such studies or Russian information on the newest air-combat technics to an unknown Japanese Army officer in 1938.
Or, one jewish escapers from east europe via siberian rail had such information, and he mention it to unknown Manchurian(=Japanese) officers at a border station in 1938.
If the Taran was not the voluntary action, how Russian historians did?
 『ヒトラーの特攻隊』という本の書評を書くことになってネットを調べたら、タラン戦法は自発的なものだと英文サイトで論じている。うそをつけってんだ。みんな、『地獄のX島で米軍と戦い、あくまで持久する方法』の251頁で俺が紹介した史料をフォローしてないのか? この発想のソースは、ソ連か東欧に決まっているじゃないか。
 今回は無人機の話をいささかすることになるでしょう。誰か1977年以前の海上自衛隊で「DASH」を使っていた人はいませんか? 聞きたいことがいっぱいあります。